5 Must Read Study Tips for Accounting Students

5 Must Read Tips For Accounting Students

Are you having a hard time studying?

Are you searching google for tips on how to study instead of actually studying?

Yep. I’ve been there, that’s why I wrote this article to show you what did work for me in countless tips I’ve read and heard from countless websites and classmates back when I was in college.

1. Study in Advance

This may be a cliche advice but there’s a very good reason you should study, or at least read, your textbooks before going to the classroom.

By studying in advance, you will know what you understand and what you don’t, and therefore you know what questions to ask during class.

2. Understand The Topic Before Moving On

Don’t leave a chapter until you fully understand everything.

In Accounting, your foundation is very important. I realized this a bit too late and have to go back to the very beginning to review everything.

If you have to read the chapter again and again to understand, then do it. If reading your textbook doesn’t help, then try searching youtube for accounting tutorials.

Then, I recommend writing what you’ve learned in your own words, don’t forget to give your own example about the topic and list down the books and videos you’ve read and watched for future reference.

3. Teach What You’ve Learned To Someone Else

As you might already know, teaching someone helps you understand the topic deeper and remember it longer.

If you’re having a hard time looking for someone willing to hear your “lesson”, I’ll list some of the ways you can teach others (and there’s also a possibility to earn money).

Start A Blog

I’ve mentioned earlier that writing what you’ve learned in your own words helps.

If you did as I said then what you need to do now is to transfer those notes in your very own blog.

Add pictures and diagrams if you want to and don’t forget to cite your references. Let’s beware of plagiarism.

Blog posts can also serve as your reviewer before the exam and there’s a chance to monetize it.

Make A Video Of Yourself Teaching The Topic

If you don’t want to write or you prefer and are comfortable to speak in a camera, then try recording yourself while teaching.

You can then watch these videos as a reviewer before exams and of course you can also upload this on youtube, you might also be able to monetize this.

Record Your Voice

If writing is not your passion or you’re uncomfortable in camera, then how about recording your voice.

Like Podcasts.

In this way, you can listen to your lesson, learn about accounting, while on commute.

There is probably a way to monetize podcasts but I have limited research about this.

4. Be Disciplined and Responsible

Yep, I know some of us are really having a hard time pushing ourselves to just do it.

So my advice to this is to make studying a habit.

Wake up at the same time everyday, grab some coffee, and just do it, go study!

I also found out that printing motivational quotes and posting it on the wall helps.

Although motivation usually only lasts for a few minutes, at least I have already started studying by the time motivation dies down.

5. Practice Daily

To ensure that what you’ve learned will be engraved in your brain and soul, Practice. Daily.


I’ve pondered about this for a loooong time when I was in college, I’ve tried a lot of things that didn’t work or things that may work but are a bit too troublesome to set up.

I know I can just solve problems in my textbook but, there are too many so…

Aaand solving accounting problems can be a bit boring sometimes.

So what I will recommend is to turn it into a game or a raffle?

I initially used Quizlet, it’s fun but a bit troublesome to type each problem and questions so I stopped.

What I did next was to write questions and problems on a paper and fold it and put it into a jar, I will then draw 5 questions or problems (depending on what I got) daily, and answer it.

If I got it right then I’ll reward myself 3 hours of watching anime or reading manga and fiction novels but if I got it wrong, 😂 then I’ll have to pay a fee (usually ₱50) and then spend an additional 3 hours studying as punishment.

Bonus – How I Review Before Exams

If you followed everything above then you’re probably exam ready now.

But if you want to know how I review before exams then I’ll tell you.

What I did when I was in college before reviewing was to get a notebook or any paper I could write with (I’ll need at least 3 pieces of paper), and then I would write everything I know and remember on the first piece of paper.

After that, I will open my books and see if there is something I missed or mistakes I made and review them. I will jot down all points I forgot and correct the errors I made on the second piece of paper.

Finally, I will close my textbooks and then, once again, write everything I understand on the third piece of paper without looking at my books and previous papers.

That’s the method I use when cramming on other subjects.

The method above is usually enough to pass an exam while cramming.

But accounting exams are a bit different. It will consist of not just theories but also problems. Some tests even ask you to create financial statements.

So if you don’t know how to solve problems or create financial statements, then you’re screwed.

Even luck won’t be able to save you 😂.



Now that you’ve armed yourself of some study techniques, go get your textbooks now and start studying!

You’ve got a long road ahead, don’t wait for the exam to study, start now.

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