13 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog

13 Reasons Why You Should Start A Blog

If you’re here reading this, then you’re probably already interested in blogging.

Are you still hesitating? Why?

Because it’s hard? Yes it is but it’s definitely worth it.

Because you think you’re not a good writer? I’m also a not an “expert” writer but I like to think that I can improve. That aside I genuinely think that as long as you practice long enough you’ll be better.

Because you’re not an expert in a certain field? Then just blog about your journey in learning the subject/skill that you want to be an expert with.

Or is it because you think it’s expensive? Hey I started this blog for only $80 or ₱4,000 (I got 1 yr free domain, 4 yrs of hosting, unlimited websites, unlimited email accounts, unlimited bandwidth, and free SSL Certificate), not bad right? I even know somewhere you can buy a domain and host for only $40(₱2,000) per year. Hostinger’s Single Package is only $35.88.

Okay okay, If you’re confused about how much will you need to start a blog then read my post “Cost of Starting a Blog” (to be published on March 19, 2021).

I wrote a list below of the benefits and possible reasons you might want to start a blog. If my list still doesn’t convince you then try another list 😂 or maybe blogging is just not to your liking then I’ll admit defeat.

1. To Learn

If you’re like me, then you’re probably the type to feel excited about learning new things and skills. But I’m not talking about learning in a classroom or in a school, because I’ll admit that can be boring.

Also, you’re most likely to forget it after your exam anyway.

I’ll give you a tip. Start a blog!

Trust me blogging will help you retain most of what you studied. As an added benefit, you’re also going to have a reviewer, no need to skim countless books anymore especially if you’re cramming (I know you do).

I’ll probably create a separate post for this because I’m so into the learning+blogging combo. I’ll edit this if I do.

2. To Share your thoughts

Owkay having an online diary is not bad right?

Of course you can’t badmouth someone you dislike even if you choose to go anonymous. That’s not what I mean when I said “share your thoughts”, but at least you have somewhere you can reflect and organize your messy mind.

3. To Practice Writing

You may or may not notice right now but…

I am not a good writer.

I once upon a time considered myself as one but chinese novels ruined me! Hahahah.

I’ll share with you. If you’re not interested just go scroll down.

My best friend introduced me back when I was in highschool to Wattpad. I thought it’s not bad so I got addicted, like really really addicted.

Wattpad gradually bored me so I moved on to watching kdramas, then animes (my fav is One Piece).

But even 750+ episodes of One Piece is no match for an addict like me. I finished watching and rewatching all available episodes but they update so slowly. I CAN’T wait!

So I searched for the manga, read it but the updates still can’t keep up with me. So I decided to just wait for the anime episodes to accumulate and then rewatch it again.

But what do I do while waiting? I read fiction books. After I got tired of that (plus books are not free their very expensive for a student like me who spend almost all her money on food food food) I discovered translated chinese novels.

If you’re familiar with translated chinese novels then you may already know that some of them take ages to update. As a very impatient reader, I chose the not-so-reliable-but-good-enough google translate.

And ladies and gentlemen that’s the culprit who ruined my grammar. That’s why I have to create this blog to practice and correct it. If you found some mistakes and errors please comment or message me directly I’ll be very thankful.

4. Master a Language

Learning a language is a torture for beginners with no motivation.

How did I know? Because that’s me↑ above. Exactly me.

Remember me mentioning upstairs that I’m addicted to chinese novels? I attempted to learn mandarin.

Yes that’s how addicted I am.

But it didn’t go well. Why?

Because every simple reason became the reason why I procrastinate.

Blogging will help to fight against that.

You can also write a blog post in the language you’re trying to learn and then wait for some good samaritan a.k.a passerby who’s fluent in that language to comment your mistakes.

That may not happen but at least you tried right? hahahah.

Or show it to your teacher and classmates and continue to write again and again. You need to practice after all.

5. Gain Opportunities

A blog is a convenient and professional way to introduce yourself and show your expertise to the world.

I can’t explain this properly myself so I searched google “blogging opportunities” and found this post “24 Crazy Stories about “OMG!” Opportunities that Blogging Made Happen”

That post is interesting so just go read that post.

6. Meet New People

Anyone who have internet and the url of your site can visit your blog.

Blogging will enable you to meet a lot more people than your neighborhood. Of course you can also know people using social media networks like facebook but, like I mentioned above, blogging makes it more professional and convenient.

7. Establish Yourself as an Expert

Have you heard of niches?

Blogging consistently about a specific topic (niche) will help you to be perceived as an expert in that niche.

Of course you’ll need to help your audience solve their problems and not just talk about yourself  (like I do hahahah, come ooon this is my personal lifestyle blog so forgive me okay? 😅).

8. Can Become Your Hobby

Are you bored at home with nothing to do? Then start a blog.

I mean, blogging is pretty much a productive hobby you can do. And it’s really not that expensive unlike painting, playing instruments, etc.

And it’s fun and satisfying too.

9. Earn Money

This is not new, in fact I discovered blogging by searching “How to make money online” but I just didn’t have the energy to do it, I was in college.

Perhaps if blogging is included in posts about study tips then I may have started this already.

That’s why I keep emphasizing how blogging can help you in learning.

Let’s go back to the topic.

There are many ways I know that you can make money blogging.

My number one recommendation would be selling your own product through your blog.

Second is affiliate marketing. If you don’t know what that is then, although I’m not good at definitions, I’ll try and explain this to you.

Affiliate marketing is.. um.. signing up to an affiliate marketing program for a product, then you promote that product and if someone bought the product through your link (which the program provided) then you earn a commission.

Phew. I like to say that I’ll never do definitions again but I’m a blogger now. I have to deal with it 😭.

Oh why am I so prone to go off topic.

There is also google ad sense or displaying advertising banner of other products (which I absolutely don’t recommend but still have to include here)

Of course there is also a huge possibility that you will not earn even a single penny or centavo blogging so I have to say that if you need money immediately, this is not the way to go.

10. Can Be Your Resume

I created my online CV in this website. I just didn’t include it on the menu and in any other part of this site so you probably didn’t know it exists.

Online CVs or portfolios are (in my opinion) really impressive (if you do it right). There’s just something about a website that seems professional (if you didn’t ruin it).

And you can blog about your expertise to further impress your prospective employer.

11. Promote Your Business

Do you have a brick and mortar store?

Or an online store?

Websites are important for businesses whether big or small. Business websites normally have a blog nowadays.

I mentioned earlier that if you use google ad sense, you can display banners to advertise other products in your blog.

So instead of that, you can use your blog to promote your very own business.

You can create blogs specifically designed for your target market or customers.

12. It’s Fun

Blogging can give you lots of headaches but it can also give you satisfaction.

What’s so satisfying about blogging?

I don’t know about you but for me it’s finishing a post and publishing it.

If you’re already writing about your hobby, then you’ll probably enjoy blogging about it.

13. Tell Your Story

I don’t have an inspiring story. It’s not even interesting, I live a normal life after all.

I think that if my life were a book, you’ll rather read a history book than finish a single sentence in my story.

That’s it, my life, boring with no moral lessons to be learned hahahah😂.

You’re different from me. You might have a story to tell so blog about it.

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